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Featured Products

50 products

Emergency Medical and First Aid Products

    50 products
    Backpack Grabber Fully Stocked
    R 999.95
    Accutrend Plus Cholesterol Meter
    R 3,699.95
    Anchor Dressing 20's
    R 54.95
    Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Patches 2 Pack
    R 28.95
    Band-Aid Tough-Strips Adhesive Bandages (15 Strips/Box)
    R 39.95
    Basic Vehicle First Aid Kit
    R 149.95
    Betadine First Aid Cream 15g
    R 56.95
    Beurer BM 96 Cardio Blood Pressure Monitor with ECG function
    R 3,999.95
    Beurer PO 60 Bluetooth® Pulse Oximeter
    R 1,299.95
    Blood Group Test Kit (Blood Type) - ABO & RHD (Combined)
    R 89.95
    Burnshield Dressing 10cm x 10cm
    R 23.95
    Burnshield Hydrogel 125ml Spray
    R 119.95
    CA-MI Flo Eolo Nebuliser
    R 699.95
    Celox Hemostatic Granules 2G
    R 159.95
    Celox Hemostatic Granules 15G
    R 599.95
    Contec CMS50Q1 Child Pulse Oximeter
    R 679.95
    Contec NE-M01 Mesh Nebulizer
    R 599.96
    CPR Compression Board
    R 899.95
    CPR Pocket Resuscitator
    R 62.95
    D-germ Alcohol & Chlorhexidine Handrub 500ml
    R 79.95
    DCP 4.5kg Fire Extinguisher (Firemate)
    R 589.95
    Dissecting Kit
    R 152.95
    Double Fold Aluminium Pole Stretcher
    R 1,599.95
    Drug Test – Multi 5 Panel
    R 39.95
    Dual Head Deluxe SF411 Stethoscope
    R 139.95
    Elastic Adhesive Plaster Roll 100mm
    R 49.95
    Elastoplast Antiseptic Wound Spray 50ml
    R 52.95
    Emergency Roadside Kit - Small
    R 699.95
    Emergency Trauma Wound Dressing / Hemorrhage Control Bandage
    R 179.95
    Eye Wash Station
    R 249.95
    Paragear First Responder Kit
    R 1,699.95
    Glucogel Sachets 25g
    R 5.95
    Government Regulation 3 First Aid Kit in A4 Nylon Bag
    R 379.95
    Government Regulation 3 First Aid Kit in Green/White Plastic Case
    R 299.95
    Government Regulation 3 First Aid Kit in Metal Wall Mountable Case
    R 629.95
    Government Regulation 3 First Aid Kit in Nylon Bag with Removeable Pouches
    R 599.95
    Government Regulation 3 First Aid Kit Refill Only
    R 199.95
    Government Regulation 7 First Aid Kit in A4 Nylon Bag
    R 419.95
    Government Regulation 7 First Aid Kit in Green/White Plastic Case
    R 319.95
    Government Regulation 7 First Aid Kit in Metal Wall Mountable Case
    R 639.95
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